exchange是什么意思 exchange的中文翻译 | 28百科知识网-pg电子网站




1. we necessitate an exchange of ideas and a divulgence of our experiences.(我们需要交流思想并分享经验。)

2. the stock exchange is a bustling and dynamic locus.(股票交易所是一个喧嚣而充满活力的场所。)

3. the government has initiated a novel initiative to foster cultural exchange amidst nations.(政府已经发起了一项新举措,以促进国家之间的文化交流。)












"我告诉他,'如果你认为你的车比我的好,那我们为什么不交换呢?'他说:'好主意!'" 男子笑眯眯地讲述着。






it was a busy day at the supermarket. people were everywhere, walking quickly with their shopping carts full of goods. against the backdrop of the brightly lit aisles and the colorful displays, a group of people stood around a large, rectangular box marked "exchange here".

in the center of the group, a stocky man with a shaved head and a trimmed beard was talking animatedly. he wore a bright red polo shirt with a small emblem on the chest and a pair of khaki shorts. his mannerisms were lively, his gestures animated, as he spoke.

"so, i said to him, 'if you think your car is better than mine, why don't we just swap?' and he said, 'great idea!'" the man laughed heartily as he recounted the story.

standing next to him was a tall, thin man with glasses and a receding hairline. he wore a striped shirt with a button-down collar and a pair of pleated pants. he smiled politely at the stocky man's story, but his eyes were scanning the crowd.

这段文字使用了过去时态,因为它描述了发生在超市的事件,并使用了过去时态的动词形式,如"was"、"were"、"was talking"、"wore"、"said"等。


1. 描写人物的相貌和穿着:本段文字使用形容词来描述人物的相貌和穿着,如"stocky"、"shaved head"、"trimmed beard"、"bright red polo shirt"、"khaki shorts"等。

这段话主要使用过去时态,主要 описывает события, которые произошли в прошлом. однако есть также элементы настоящего времени, такие как "the group laughed and applauded" и "it was a lighthearted moment".
список предложений
1. "and then," continued the stocky man, "he took out his keys and jingled them in front of me."
> это утвердительное предложение в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "the stocky man", глагол - "continued". глаголы "took out" и "jingled" также стоят в прошедшем времени.
2. "i said, 'do you really want to do this?' and he said, 'sure, why not?'"
> это утвердительное предложение, также в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "i", глагол - "said". глаголы "did you really want to do this" и "'sure, why not?'" также в прошедшем времени.
3. the tall man chuckled and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
> это утвердительное предложение в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "the tall man", глаголы - "chuckled" и "shifted".
4. he was about to say something when a woman with a bright red lipstick and a flowery dress walked by.
> это утвердительное предложение в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "the tall man", глагол - "was about to say". глагол "walked by" тоже в прошедшем времени.
5. she caught the tall man's eye and they smiled at each other.
> это утвердительное предложение в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "the woman", глаголы - "caught" и "smiled".
6. "so, we did it!" exclaimed the stocky man. "we traded cars for trains in the middle of the supermarket!"
> это утвердительное предложение в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "the stocky man", глагол - "exclaimed". глаголы "did it" и "traded cars for trains in the middle of the supermarket" тоже в прошедшем времени.
7. the group laughed and applauded, and the stocky man grinned widely.
> это утвердительное предложение в прошедшем времени. подлежащее - "the group", глаголы - "laughed and applauded". глагол "grinned widely" также в прошедшем времени.
последнее предложение "it was a lighthearted moment in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the supermarket, a moment that would be remembered for years to come" в настоящем времени. оно описывает текущую ситуацию и то, что будет вспоминаться в будущем.

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